Apply now: Student Trainee & Project Associate Job, Calcutta University


Applications are invited for the position of one Project Associate-I and one Student trainee in
a SERB sponsored project (No. CRG/2021/000867) entitled “Functional Characterization
of rice EG45-like domain containing protein through development of overexpression
and knock down plants to identify its salinity responsive role” under Dr. Soumitra Paul at
Department of Botany, University of Calcutta, 35, Ballygunge Circular Road, Kolkata700019
Project associate-I:
Essential Qualification: M.Sc. in any branch of Life science having 55% marks or
Desirable Qualifications: NET/GATE qualification
Emoluments: As per SERB, Govt. of India norms
Age Limit: 3 5 years
Student Trainee:
Essential Qualification: Students currently pursuing or M.Sc. in any branch of
Life science
Nature of training: Plant molecular biology techniques
Training period: two months
Emoluments: Rs. 5000 per month (as per SERB, Govt. oflndia norms)
The above positions are completely in temporary basis and co-terminus with the project.
Interested Candidates are requested to submit 2 sets of hardcopy application along with
detailed Curriculum Vitae duly signed by the candidates and all testimonials within 10
days from the date of the advertisement at Room no 320, Department of Botany,
University of Calcutta, 35, Ballygunge Circular road, Kolkata-700019.
Candidates may also send their application along with their detailed Curriculum Vitae
and all testimonials to the following Email Ids within 10 days from the date of the
Email Ids:,
Interview date:
Interview date and venue will be informed to the shortlisted candidates after preliminary
screening of Curriculum Vitae. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview before a
selection committee.

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