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Peter Drucker Challenge Essay Contest 2021 by Global Peter Drucker Forum: Submit by Jun 7

About the Challenge

It was the rare organization that did not find itself in a crisis this past year. Most workplaces, whether private or public sector, small or large, had to scramble as the pandemic hit in early 2020, and they still have to. The young are often left to their own devices, be it at school, university or on first career steps.

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New priorities asserted themselves, long-established ways of doing things proved unworkable, and in a complex and fast-shifting environment, reliable information was hard to come by. It is in such situations that a manager’s mettle is tested.

Your essay should share an insight – based on your experience as manager, entrepreneur or student, or on the observation of an institution you know well – about responding effectively to crisis.

What manager or (educational) institution did you see having positive impact? How, and in what way? As you describe their decision-making or behavior, you might also engage with other questions: Why is it hard for others to do the same in similar situations? Is it a matter of traits or training? How could managers be better developed in “normal” times to be more capable of dealing with the next trauma?

And finally, could this also be the moment for the younger generation – digital natives who unlike their elders have grown up with societal disruption – to step up and show the way forward? If so, tell us how the younger generation – your generation – could be better (uniquely?) equipped to move us through this crisis and its aftermath.


General requirements

  • You must be 18-35 years old (inclusive of both ages)
  • You must have been selected no more than once (or not at all) among the top 10 since 2010

Essay category requirements

You can submit one essay to participate as either a student or a professional (please mention your main occupation in the submission form)

Student category

  • You are a part-time or full-time student (bachelor, master, MBA, or PhD) or you are seeking your first opportunity after the completion of your last degree

Professional category

You are a

  • manager of people, projects, budgets, and/or processes
  • an entrepreneur or business owner
  • licensed professional
  • social volunteer or community leader.

A cash prize of 1.500 EUR

Additional Benefits
  • Complimentary virtual respectively in-person pass for the 13th Global Peter Drucker Forum, to be held as fully digital event with provision for additional in-person sessions on November 18 afternoon and November 19, if health and travel regulations allow
  • Invitation to attend the virtual Gala event with Awards ceremony on November 18
  • Opportunity to win the Special Recognition Award for the most original essay
  • Certificate with ranking
  • Invitation to join the exclusive Drucker Challenge Alumni Community on social media networks
  • One-year-all-access subscription to the Harvard Business Review
  • Ranking list and link to your essay on www.druckerchallenge.org, Drucker Forum Newsletter, and social media
  • Your essay may be re-published by your university/company with credits given to Peter Drucker Society Europe
  • Funding of travel expenses: If health regulations allow you may consider to travel to Vienna. Your international travel and accommodation costs for attending the Forum will than be reimbursed based on our travel process & policy.

Interested candidates can submit via this page.

Important dates
  • March 8: Submission open
  • June 7: Submission deadline
  • Nov 17 – 19: Global Peter Drucker Forum
  • Nov 18: Winners and Top 10 finalists will be announced in the Award ceremony

Email: contact[at]druckerchallenge.org

For more details, click on the below link

Peter Drucker Challenge Essay Contest 2021

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Hi, I am Gulshan Yadav. I work at NoticeDash.com as a Chief Editor.

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