Applications Invited for Wipro Education Fellowship Program


At Wipro, we think it is critical to engage with the social and ecological challenges facing humanity. We believe that engagement with social issues must be deep, meaningful, and formed on the bedrock of long-term commitment — this is the only way real change can happen on the ground.

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We run our social programs on a strong foundation of ethical principles, good governance, and sound management. Our foundational values are embodied in the ‘Spirit of Wipro’ that emphasizes unyielding integrity in every aspect of our work, treating people everywhere fairly and with respect – at the workplace and in communities outside, and demonstrating ecological sensitivity in thought and action.

The Fellowship

Wipro Education Fellowship Program has been designed to contribute to the systemic improvement of Indian school education by supporting early stage civil society organizations (CSOs) focused on school education.

Given the size, diversity and complexity of our country, we need a large number of educational organizations to make an impact on our school education system.  Wipro Education Fellowship Program was launched in 2016 with the objective of supporting the creation and development of a significant number of new educational organizations that can contribute meaningfully and in a sustained manner to Indian school education. The program selects and supports committed and capable individuals and teams who share our vision of quality education being available to every Indian child. We provide a 3-year founder’s fellowship to set up effective educational NGOs in domains and geographies of their choice.

Selected fellows are supported with a fellowship stipend, workshops and mentoring from partner resource organizations for capacity building, and access to networking opportunities with other educational CSOs within our partner network.

Selection :

  • The organization must be working with the government school system or have concrete plans to engage with the government school system in the next 12 months
  • Fellowships are offered only to founders and members of the core team working full-time with the organization
  • Fellows must have a long-term commitment to working in the specified domain and geography (a minimum of three years)
  • Fellows must demonstrate a willingness to engage in educational and organizational capacity building through the fellowship period


5th May 2022

For more information please check the Link

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