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Junior Research Fellowship/ JRF Jobs (India) for April 2021: Applications Open

Junior Research Fellow (JRF) or Project Positions jobs in India for the month of April 2021 are very much trending. From IIT to IIM, NIT to IISER, each and every prestigious institute in India has numerous openings for the JRF/ SRF/RA positions under the various funded project for the year 2021.

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Also, the fellowship amount awarded to the selected candidates is equal to the salary amount of some. Mostly, the JRF posts are for Engineering and Science students, although there are openings for management and Social Science students as well.

Project Fellow/ JRF (Physics) Under IUAC Funded Project at MNIT Jaipur: Apply by Apr 16

Applications are invited from Indian Nationals for the purely contractual project position as per the details given below for the research project under the Principal Investigator Dr. Rahul Singhal, Department of Physics, Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur.

  • Title of the Project: SHI induced modifications of metal-carbon nanocomposite thin films
  • Eligibility: M.Sc in Physics/ Nanotechnology/ Nano Science/ Materials Science or other related disciplines with minimum 60% marks or CGPA 6.75 (on 10 point scale).
  • Duration: 1 year (likely to be extended depending on the performance of the candidate and extension by funding agency).
  • Salary: Rs. 14,000 /- per month for candidates without NET/GATE and Rs. 25,000 /- per month for candidates with valid GATE/NET-JRF.
  • Project Fellow/ JRF (Physics) Under IUAC Funded Project at MNIT Jaipur.
JRF Under DST-INSPIRE Sponsored Project at NIT Warangal: Apply by Apr 9

NIT Warangal invites applications for JRF post under DST-INSPIRE sponsored project for the year 2021. The last date of application submission is April 9.

  • Project title: Oxidative photocyclization strategy to aromatic extension of corannulene
  • Duration (in years): 2 Years
  • Essential qualification First class in B.Sc. Chemistry and M.Sc. Chemistry/Organic Chemistry with valid GATE/ UGC/CSIR/DST-Inspire score/NET
  • Salary: Rs. 31,000/- pm for the 2 years. HRA as per institute rules. The selected candidate is also eligible for on-campus Hostel & Mess facilities, subject to availability.
  • JRF Under DST-INSPIRE Sponsored Project at NIT Warangal.
JRF (Physics) Under CSIR Sponsored Project at Panjab University, Chandigarh: Apply by Apr 5

Panjab University, Chandigarh invites applications for JRF (Physics) under CSIR sponsored project for the year 2021. The last date of application is 5 April 2021.

Applications are invited for the following temporary position in the CSIR sponsored project entitled Nuclear structure close to Z- 50 shell closure nuclei through nuclear fusion evaporation reactions. Duration of the following position till the tenure of the project.

  • Essential Qualification: M.Sc. in Physics with 55 % marks for General Category. (50 % marks in case of SC/ST/PH). for NET/GATE qualified as per CSIR guidelines.
  • Last date: 05-04-2021

JRF (Physics) Under CSIR Sponsored Project at Panjab University, Chandigarh.

JRF (Mechanical Engg) Under SERB-DST Funded Project at BITS Pilani, Goa Campus: Apply by Apr 20

Applications are invited for the position of Junior Research Fellow (JRF) in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at BITS Pilani, K. K. Birla Goa Campus, Goa for a SERB-DST sponsored research project titled “Development of enhanced heat pipes with superhydrophobic and superhydrophilic surfaces and wettability gradients for high density electronics cooling”.

  • Eligibility: Candidates must hold a 1st Class M.Tech/M.Sc/MS/ME/B.Tech/B.E in Mechanical Engineering/ Chemical Engineering or equivalent. Preference will be given to candidates with GATE qualification. Candidates having good knowledge in heat transfer, surface chemistry (wettability alterations) or fluid dynamics will be given preference. Candidates will be required to conduct experiments and computational studies as part of the project work.
  • Duration of the project: 3 years
  • Fellowship Amount (Rs.): 31000 pm

JRF (Mechanical Engg) Under SERB-DST Funded Project at BITS Pilani, Goa Campus.

JRF (Dept of MSME) Under DST-SERB Funded Project at IIT Hyderabad: Apply by Apr 15

A position of JRF is available in the Department of MSME, IIT Hyderabad to work on a DST-SERB sponsored project titled: “Tuning heterogeneous nanostructure via strain-partition engineering for developing cobalt-free cost-effective eutectic high entropy alloys with outstanding strength-ductility synergy”.

  • Eligibility: The ideal candidate should be: a) GATE qualified with B.E./B.Tech. in Metallurgical/Mechanical Engineering having CPI more than 8.5 in 10-point scale OR b) M.E./M.Tech. in Metallurgical/ Materials/ Mechanical (only Design or Manufacturing specializations) / Production Engineering.
  • Salary: (Rs.31,000+HRA@24%)/month for first two years and (Rs.35,000+HRA@24%) per month (SRF) for the third year.
  • Duration: 3 years and extendable up to further two years (subjected to satisfactory performance) supported by IITH.

JRF (Dept of MSME) Under DST-SERB Funded Project at IIT Hyderabad.

JRF (Biotech) Under DST Sponsored Project at IIT Ropar: Apply by Apr 8

Applications are invited for one JRF position. The JRF will work in the project titled “Analytical and Bioanalytical Measurements of Tissue (including Plant)” under the supervision of undersigned. The position is extendable for a duration of 5 years on the basis of satisfactory performance. The candidate will be encouraged to enrol in the PhD program of the institute.

  • Essential Qualifications: A master’s degree (MTech / ME) in Engineering/Biotechnology or, other related major having good academic record with minimum 60% marks (6.5 grade points on a scale of 10). Or, A master’s degree in sciences (MSc / MS) or equivalent, with a minimum of 60 percent marks (6.5 grade points on a scale of 10) with a valid GATE score or, qualified in UGC/CSIR/NET/INSPIRE/eqv. national-level fellowship.
  • Application: The applicant must send the full application as a single PDF file via email to rajeshkumar[at]iitrpr.ac.in on or before April 08, 2021.

JRF (Biotech) Under DST Sponsored Project at IIT Ropar.

Junior Research Fellow (Under DST Funded Project) at IIITDM Kancheepuram: Apply by Apr 11

The Indian Institute of Information Technology Design and Manufacturing (IIITDM), Kancheepuram invites online applications for the post of Junior Research Fellow at the institute.

  • Eligibility: First-class M.Sc. in Mathematics with valid GATE/ NET qualification.
  • To apply online, click here.

IIITDM Kancheepuram DST Project JRF Recruitment Notification

Junior Research Fellow Under BRNS Funded Project at IIT Patna: Apply by Apr 20

Applications are invited in the prescribed format only for a research project funded PhD position in the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, IIT Patna.

  • Name of the temporary research project : Plasma Sprayed Nano-diamond reinforced NiCrBSi Nanocomposite Coatings: Substitute to Electroplated Hard Chromium.
  • First class (minimum 65% marks or 7.0 CPI) in M.Tech./ME/MS with GATE/NET qualifications and first class (minimum 60% marks or 6.5 CPI) in B.Tech./BE, 12th and 10th class.

Junior Research Fellow Under BRNS Funded Project at IIT Patna.

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Hi, I am Gulshan Yadav. I work at NoticeDash.com as a Chief Editor.

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