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JRF (Chemical Engineering) Under DST Funded Project at IIT Roorkee: Apply by May 24

Applications are invited from Indian nationals only for project position(s) as per the details given below for the consultancy/research project(s) under the Principal investigator (Name: Prof. Sonal K. Thengane), Dept./Centre: Hydro and Renewable Energy; Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee.

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Post details
  • Title of project: Stubble management using decentralized torrefaction systems for biochar-based fertilizers
  • Sponsor of the project: DST, New Delhi
  • Project position(s) and number: JRF; 1

Qualifications: B.Tech., M.Tech. (Chemical Engineering + GATE qualified)

Job description

Experimental investigation including characterization of biomass feedstock, reactor set-up and testing, preparing and testing biochar formulations, soil and plant growth analysis; Kinetic modeling; Thermodynamic, techno-economic and life cycle analyses.


Initially for 1 year (may extend up to June 2, 2024 based on performance).


Candidates desiring to appear for the Interview should submit their applications with the following documents to
the office of Principal Investigator through email, by post or produce at the time of Interview:

  • Application in a plain paper with detailed CV including chronological discipline of degree/certificates.
  • Experience including research, industrial field and others.
  • Attested copies of degree/certificate and experience certificate.

Rs. 31,000 per month.

Important date

The last date for application to be submitted to office of Principal Investigator is May 24, 2021 by 5 PM.


Principal Investigator: Sonal K. Thengane
Tel: 01332-284794
Email: sonalt[at]hre.iitr.ac.in

For official notification, click below.

JRF (Chemical Engineering) Under DST Funded Project at IIT Roorkee.

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Hi, I am Gulshan Yadav. I work at NoticeDash.com as a Chief Editor.

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