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Faculty Recruitment at IIIT Allahabad: 47 Vacancies

Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Allahabad, an Institute of National Importance, has announced Recruitment of Faculty Posts. These posts are available at the following levels: Associate Professors and Assistant Professors Grade I on regular basis. And Assistant Professors Grade II on contract.

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Total Vacant Posts: 

The total number of vacant posts 47.

The recruitment is based on under 4-Tier-Flexible Faculty Structure, addressing the needs of the disciplines/departments of various departments. Information Technology, Electronics & Communication Engineering, Applied Sciences and Management Studies.

Key Dates and How to Apply:

The cutoff date for the online application submission is 19th September 2024.

The last date of receipt of the duly completed application (Hard copy) at the Institute is 25 September 2024 (Wednesday) by 6:00 PM.

Application Fee: 

The applicants shall be required to pay Rs. 1180/- (including 18% GST) as application fee through the option of net banking and debit/credit card, etc.

Note: Candidates belonging to SC, ST and PWD shall not require to pay any application fee.

List of Departments with Vacant Posts:

Department of Information Technology: Information Technology; Business Informatics; Software Engineering; AI/ML/DL; Human  Computer Interactions; Image & Vision Computing; Natural Language Processing; Speech Processing; Cognitive Computing; Big Data, Data Science, Cyber Physical System, IoT, Edge Computing, Fog Computing, Unconventional Models of Computing, Computer Organization and Architecture, Computer Networks, Distributed Systems, Network and Information Security, Cryptography, Block Chain, Quantum Computing and Theoretical Computer Science and related areas.

Department of Management Studies: Entrepreneurship & Innovation and Business Analytics in the domain of (HR, Finance, Marketing & Operation).

Department of Applied Sciences: Mathematics, Probability and Statistics, Statistical Inference, Elementary Number Theory; Linear Algebra and Matrices; Functional Analysis; Algorithmic Graph Theory, Discrete Mathematics, Differential Equations, Real-Complex Analysis, Bioinformatics & Biomedical Engineering: Bio-MEMS & Bioinstrumentation/Bioelectricity; Functional & Structural Biology; Microbial Infection; Tissue Engineering, Physics: Condensed Matter Physics; Analytical Relativity

Electronics & Communication Engineering: Microelectronic devices, SoC, VLSI Circuits and Systems; Microwave and Photonics; Wireless Communication and Signal Processing; Communication Networks; Communication Engineering IoT/WSN; Wireless, RF & Microwave, 5G/6G technologies; MIMO Radar and related areas; Instrumentation and Control

For further details about eligibility conditions, how to apply and other details, the candidates should refer the Recruitment Notification uploaded on the official website of Indian Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) Allahabad.


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