Apply to WTO Training Course on Trade and Gender


    The WTO Trade and Gender Unit will hold a dedicated training course on trade and gender in a virtual format for government officials from 28 March to 1 April 2022. The course is in line with WTO members’ recommendations as part of the Institute for Training and Technical Cooperation’s biennial technical assistance plan. The deadline to submit applications is 3 March 2022.

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    What is the course about?

    The WTO Training Course on Trade and Gender aims to help government officials develop trade policies that promote gender equality and integrate gender considerations in their work. The course will assist participants in improving their knowledge of the trade and gender nexus and the role of the WTO on this issue. At the end of the course, participants will be able to utilize trade and gender concepts and tools in the analysis and development of trade policies.

    The programme is built around lectures, exercises, and discussions in six live online training sessions over four half-days. Two additional specialised and thematic sessions will be offered to delegates in Geneva participating in the course on 8 April 2022.

    More detailed information regarding the course and application process is available here.

    Who should apply?

    Government officials and Geneva-based delegates interested in building their technical knowledge and strengthening their policymaking expertise on trade and gender issues are invited to apply.

    The course is open to all WTO members and priority will be given to developing countries. A maximum of 25 participants will be selected, with no more than two officials per WTO member. 

    Selected participants will be informed on 4 March and invited to a one-hour online information session to be held on 10 and 11 March 2022.

    How to apply?

    Government officials from WTO members eligible to benefit from WTO training activities are invited to apply by 3 March 2022 using the following form.


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